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Derry Classifieds - Buy and Sell
Buy and sell items in Derry. Browse our free Derry classified adverts and pick up a bargain. Our adverts are updated by individual sellers local to Derry and are completely free. We have combined our ads with those from eBay so you'll be sure to find items nearest you.
Citroen C3 2006 For Sale (Diesel)
-----For Sale--------------- ----------------------------------- 2006 Citroen C3 For Sale Diesel 1.6 Litre 5 Months Test Fully Serviced 122,000 Miles New Timing Belt kit new Turbo Fitted Fully...
For Sale : £2,200
For Sale - '98 Volkswagen Golf SE (Older Model) Petrol, 1600 CC, needs number plate
For Sale - '98 Volkswagen Golf SE (Older Model) Petrol, 1600 CC, needs number plate today I have for sale a Volkswagen Golf SE 5 door saloon its a 98 petrol model in great condition very clean car inside & out...
For Sale : £1,100
artificial flower displays
i make artificial flower displays in large medium and small sizes and in different colours and i sell large displays at £30.00 and medium at £25.00 and small at £10.00 and can e-mail displays or have a gallery where...
For Sale : £30
Toyota Anvesis 4d4 T Sprit Black
Top of range car f leather f electrics build in sat nav voice controlled air con to many extras to mention will swap for jeep must be mint also towbar sunroof 4x4 no timewasters good reason for swap new clutch just...
For Sale : Negotiable
3, 2, 1 suite
Wheat coloured sofa in very good condition. 3 seater, 2 seater and 1 seater all for sale as a unit. £100.00 o.n.o. Fabric sofa. Excellent sofa for this excellent price. Contact anytime and leave a message and number....
For Sale : £100